Khaki rugs

Have you been searching for khaki rugs for a while now? Then take a look at our beautiful collection of taupe and khaki-coloured rugs. Discover which rug best complements your interior.


Vintage rugs with taupe shades

Each rug has its own unique design that brings your interior together. Khaki rugs show tranquility, but with the details from Pip Studio, you'll still get lost in a beautiful story. A khaki-coloured rug suits any interior!


Various designs and sizes

Pip Studio's khaki rugs are available in various stunning designs. Do you love a classic piece? Our Majorelle and Moon Delight rugs have a vintage look with a contemporary twist. Prefer a botanical print? Check out the Fleur Grandeur rug, decorated with richly coloured flowers, or Jolie, decorated with small scenes around the edge like blue vases, herons, and flower branches.


Complete your interior

A rug is essential in your interior; it fills an empty space in your home and adds a beautiful atmosphere. Place the rug under your sofa, dining table, or bed; the possibilities are endless. Finish it off with a cute matching stool or a beautiful metal vase with a cheerful bouquet of flowers. All taupe and khaki rugs are available in different sizes to perfectly fit your home.

Tip: mix and match different rugs in your home for a cozy atmosphere.